Приложение 1. Ключевые слова СУБД ЛИНТЕР
acos | add | add_months |
after | all | alter |
always | and | any |
append | as | asbinary |
asc | ascic | ascii |
asin | astext | asymmetric |
at_begin | at_end | atan |
atan2 | aud_obj_name_len | audit |
autocommit | autoinc | autoload |
autoreset | autorowid | autosave |
avg | backup | before |
between | bigint | blob |
blobfile | blobfiles | blobpct |
blobs | boolean | both |
box | browse | by |
byte | bytehex | call |
cancel | cascade | cascaded |
case | cast | ceil |
char | char_length | character |
character_length | check | chr |
cidrbcast | cidrcount | cidrlen |
cidrmask | cidrmatch | cidrnet |
cidrpfx | cidrtoraw | circle |
clear | clob | close |
closed | coalesce | column |
commit | committed | concat |
connect | contains | convert |
corresponding | cos | cosh |
count | countblob | create |
cross | crosses | current |
current_date | current_schema | current_time |
current_timestamp | cursor | datafile |
datafiles | date | datesplit |
datetime | dayname | dba |
dbname | dec | decimal |
decode | default | deferred |
deftext | delete | denied |
dense_rank | desc | disable |
disconnect | disjoint | distinct |
divtime | double | drop |
each | ef | else |
enable | end | equals |
error | escape | event_info_size |
every | except | exclude |
exclusive | execute | exists |
extfile | extract | exp |
external | false | fetch |
filter | findblob | findrtf |
finish | first_value | float |
floor | for | foreign |
from | from_days | full |
fuzzy | geodata | geoisvalid |
geomcollfromtext | geomcollfromwkb | geometry |
geometrycollection | geometryfromtext | geometryfromwkb |
geometryn | geometrytype | geomfromtext |
geomfromwkb | get | get_events_state |
getbits | getblob | getblobstr |
getbyte | getbyteb | getlong |
getraw | getstr | gettext |
gettextpos | getword | getwordb |
glength | global | grant |
granted | greatest | group |
having | hex | hextoraw |
identified | immediate | in |
increment | index | indexes |
indexfile | indexfiles | indextime |
initcap | initial | inner |
insert | instead | instr |
int | integer | interiorringn |
internal | intersect | intersection |
intersects | into | ip_abbrev |
ip_broadcast | ip_host | ip_masklen |
ip_netmask | ip_network | ip_set_masklen |
ip_text | is | isempty |
isolation | join | krb |
lag | last_autoinc | last_day |
last_rowid | last_value | ldap |
lead | leading | least |
left | lenblob | like |
limit | lin_area | lin_asbinary |
lin_astext | lin_boundary | lin_buffer |
lin_centroid | lin_contains | lin_convexhull |
lin_crosses | lin_difference | lin_dimension |
lin_disjoint | lin_distance | lin_dwithin |
lin_endpoint | lin_envelope | lin_equals |
lin_exteriorring | lin_filter | lin_geoisvalid |
lin_geomcollfromtext | lin_geomcollfromwkb | lin_geometryfromtext |
lin_geometryfromwkb | lin_geometryn | lin_geometrytype |
lin_geomfromtext | lin_geomfromwkb | lin_glength |
lin_index_info | lin_interiorringn | lin_intersection |
lin_intersects | lin_isclosed | lin_isempty |
lin_isring | lin_issimple | lin_linefromtext |
lin_linestringfromtext | lin_linestringfromwkb | lin_linfromwkb |
lin_mlinefromtext | lin_mlinefromwkb | lin_mpointfromtext |
lin_mpointfromwkb | lin_mpolyfromtext | lin_mpolyfromwkb |
lin_multilinestringfromtext | lin_multilinestringfromwkb | lin_multipointfromtext |
lin_multipointfromwkb | lin_multipolygonfromtext | lin_multipolygonfromwkb |
lin_numgeometries | lin_numinteriorrings | lin_numpoints |
lin_overlaps | lin_pointfromtext | lin_pointfromwkb |
lin_pointn | lin_pointonsurface | lin_polyfromtext |
lin_polyfromwkb | lin_polygonfromtext | lin_polygonfromwkb |
lin_relate | lin_srid | lin_startpoint |
lin_symdifference | lin_touches | lin_transform |
lin_union | lin_within | lin_x |
lin_y | line | linefromtext |
linefromwkb | linestring | linestringfromtext |
linestringfromwkb | linter_dict_info | linter_file_device |
linter_file_info | linter_file_size | linter_name_length |
linter_page_info | linter_page_time | linter_user_id |
linter_version | listtag | ln |
local | localtime | localtimestamp |
lock | log | logoff |
logon | long | lpad |
lseg | ltrim | mac_trunc |
mactoraw | match | materialized |
max | maxisn | maxrow |
maxrowid | memory | min |
mlinefromtext | mlinefromwkb | mod |
modify | module | monthname |
mpointfromtext | mpointfromwkb | mpolyfromtext |
mpolyfromwkb | multilinestring | multilinestringfromtext |
multilinestringfromwkb | multime | multipoint |
multipointfromtext | multipointfromwkb | multipolygon |
multipolygonfromtext | multipolygonfromwkb | nan |
nanvl | national | natural |
nchar | new | new_table |
next_day | no | nomaxvalue |
nominvalue | none | not |
now | nowait | null |
nullif | nulliferror | nulls |
number | numeric | numgeometries |
numinteriorring | numinteriorrings | nvarchar |
nvl | nvl2 | octet_length |
of | old | old_table |
on | only | open |
optimistic | optimization | option |
or | order | outer |
over | overlaps | overlay |
parameter | partial | partially |
partition | pctfill | pctfree |
placing | point | pointfromtext |
pointfromwkb | pointn | pointonsurface |
polyfromtext | polyfromwkb | polygon |
polygonfromtext | polygonfromwkb | preload |
press | primary | prior |
privileges | proc_info_size | proc_par_name_len |
procedure | public | purge |
rand | rank | raw |
rawtocidr | rawtohex | rawtomac |
read | real | rebuild |
references | relate | remote |
rename | repeat_string | repeatable |
replace | replication | restart |
restore | restrict | reverse |
revoke | rewrite | right |
right_substr | rollback | row_number |
rownum | rpad | rtrim |
save | savepoint | security |
select | sensitive | sequence |
serializable | session | sessionid |
set | share | shutdown |
siblings | similar | sin |
since | sinh | smallint |
some | sortpool | soundex |
sqrt | start | startup |
stddev | stop | substr |
substring | sum | symdifference |
symmetric | synchronize | synonym |
sys_guid | sysdate | table |
tablesample | tan | tanh |
then | ties | timeint_from_days |
timeint_to_days | to | to_char |
to_date | to_days | to_gmtime |
to_localtime | to_number | touches |
trailing | transaction | translate |
trigger | trigger_info_size | trim |
true | trunc | truncate |
uncommitted | union | unique |
unix_timestamp | unknown | unlisted |
unlock | until | update |
user | using | values |
varbyte | varchar | variance |
varying | view | volumes |
vsize | wait | when |
where | windows_code | with |
within | without | write |
xml |